An interview with a volunteer - Joan
"Regardless of whether you think you can do it, just do it. A lot of the people who I’ve met who volunteer here didn’t feel very confident in the first place and yet they’ve enjoyed it so much and it’s done a lot for them. it’s nice to find new things, new skills, and new people to get involved with.”
An interview with a volunteer - Thom
Running 13.1 miles was a huge challenge for Thom, having never been a runner before. In fact, he didn’t believe he was going to be able to do it, but seeing the smiling faces of the members cheering him on encouraged him to cross the finish line and is now fondly recalled upon as Thom’s favourite memory at OWLS.
An interview with a volunteer - Moira
Moira's favourite thing to help with is the allotment, which she gets involved with most weeks. Whilst she claims it was originally looking a bit of a mess, she’s found that with a bit of TLC the place is looking great. The bees are happily buzzing around, and they’ve grown some impressive cabbages, too!